Building Update
As a church one of our central values is that we believe in a God who has a desire for people to encounter His Love and His care whether they call themselves part of the church community or not. In the Bible John chapter 10 talks about Jesus being ‘The Gate’ and where people come and find him, they find good pastures. Good pastures will mean that people are nourished and well cared for. This is our heart in developing this new church centre that people can come and find love and care in a variety of ways because the servant hearted members of the church community have the space for this love and care to be expressed which just wasn’t possible due to the space limitations of our old building.
The total amount we need to raise for this building project is £4.5 million. This total comprises of the cost of demolishing and rebuilding The Gate is now £3.93 million (Phase One) and an additional £500K for Phase Two.
During Phase One we will aim to complete all external works and the whole building. But we will fit for full use the ground floor only.
During Phase Two we will complete the upper floors and turn them into fully useable spaces.
We believe God will provide through the generosity of our congregations and friends, members of our local community and Christian and community grant makers.
Funds Raised to Date
- The proceeds from the sale of Oxford Road building and adjacent plot of land = £600,000
- Giving by church members, including Gift Aid = £631,000
- Grants and gifts from other sources = £92,300
- Other loans, income, and deferred gifts = £748,200
- A long-term loan agreed with the Baptist Union Corporation = £1.75 million
Join us in this exciting venture of re-building for God’s Kingdom
Thank you for your generosity and kindness